At High Flight Academy the term “Checkride” gives you butterflies in your belly, makes the hair stand up on the back of your neck and simply put; makes everyone excited and nervous. The “Checkride” or “Ride” is the final exam every pilot must pass to obtain that coveted certificate. Whether it’s the first for your Private Pilot’s Certificate or for advance ratings later, the next one can be just as exciting as the first.
Throughout the 2023 year we had a record number of checkrides at an average of nearly 10 per month! Congratulations to all our students. The different rides were for Private, Instrument, Commercial and Multi-Engine. For the permanent staff, it is a special joy to see each student move through each rating. As for the instructors, it is a conjunction of joy and satisfaction knowing that with their help, each student has successfully completed the next step in their aviation journey.
We are also proud to announce another record this past year. We had 15 of our instructor staff obtain the hours required to move on to an airline career. The ultimate goal, here at High Flight, is to finally see each of our talented instructors move on to pursue a career in aviation. Many of them choose to sign on to a regional airline and some go the 135 route, all great beginnings that will surely end in amazing careers. Congratulations to all.

Above: Two High Flight Academy students celebrating their Checkride by signing the commemorative propeller.