Recreational Flying and Airline Pilot News

Jon Delano of KDKA interviews Fabio Ruberto about Aviation Academy with CCBC and BC3

Aviation Academy Featured on KDKA

News about the Aviation Academy is starting to spread! KDKA’s Jon Delano stopped into High Flight Academy on Friday, May 24 to discuss this new program for high school students, …

flight instructors | flying lessons | learn to fly | pilot training | pittsburgh butler airport

10 Aviation Facts You Never Knew

One thing we love about flying is that there’s always something new to learn. Can we surprise you with any of these flight trivia facts? JFK Airport was originally called …

What To Do If Your Engine Fails Mid-Flight

We practice no-power landings with our students all the time – not because it’s fun but because it’s necessary. If you lose your engine mid-flight, it’s critical to know how …

Help High Flight Win $50k Grant

High Flight Academy has been nominated for a $50,000 small business grant from FedEx! Please vote to help us achieve our goals! The grant would be used to provide scholarships …

Meet N1737, Our Newest Set of Wings

High Flight Academy has a new plane, N1737, which has stolen our hearts. This spirited, cheerful Cessna 172 Skyhawk II loves long flights into the sunset and whisking you off to …